Greek and Roman Candle Holders

€54,99 EUR
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  • Lieferzeit 6–12 Werktage.
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Enthrone your candles with the essence of antiquity using our Greek and Roman Gods Candle Holder collection, perfectly sculpted for those who appreciate classical beauty and timeless elegance. 🏛️✨

Sculpted Perfection 🎨 Each holder is a tribute to the artistic excellence of the classical era, featuring finely sculpted figures of Greek and Roman deities. Their presence adds not just light but a touch of mythological grace to your table.

Pristine White Palette ⚪ The pure white of these holders speaks of marble columns and ancient temples, bringing a serene and hallowed atmosphere to any room.

A Pantheon of Light 🔥 Create a personal pantheon with these candle holders that evoke stories of gods and heroes. They’re a conversation starter and a portal to the past, making every candle lighting a ceremonial act.

Versatile Decor Pieces 🌿 While they pay homage to history, these holders fit seamlessly into contemporary decor, bringing a narrative element to modern minimalism or complementing a more eclectic, bohemian style.

Ideal for Gifting 🎁 For those who cherish history, art, or mythology, these candle holders are a thoughtful and unique gift, sure to be treasured as much for their symbolism as their aesthetics.

Invite the divine into your home decor. 🛍️ Add our Greek and Roman Gods Candle Holder collection to your domain and let every flicker of flame be an ode to the ancients.

CandleierShop—where the light of history illuminates your home. 🕯️

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NEIN, Dieses Produkt wird weltweit ausgeliefert fürFrei.

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Sie erhalten dieses Produkt innerhalb von 6 - 12 Werktagen.

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Greek and Roman Candle Holders

🕯Candleier is your brand for environmentally friendly candles. We believe in the power of small actions to make a big difference. That's why we specialize in crafting handmade candles using natural materials that not only look and smell good but also create a cozy home environment.

Our candles are made from eco-friendly resources like soy wax and are free from harmful chemicals. We are committed to protecting the environment while offering a high-quality and beautiful product. Explore our wide range of candles, from scented candles to classic pillar candles, and let our environmentally friendly alternatives impress you.

Make yourself at home and enjoy our candles that rejuvenate your senses and warm your heart. Visit our website to learn more about our commitment to sustainability and environmental protection. We look forward to welcoming you to our shop and showing you how easy it can be to live an eco-friendly lifestyle.